polyvagal theory debunked

These people have much to offer the world, but we cannot make them fit into a shiny, shallow world. Out of Stephen Porges's brilliant work developing Polyvagal Theory, a world-wide community of Polyvagal-guided people and systems is developing as we better understand the power of the autonomic nervous system to guide our movements and shape our stories. Before we jump into how you can assess the vagal nerve, let's talk a little bit about the autonomic nervous system. Dunning, B. But is that in fact the most common response to traumatic experiences? It would have been easy to see that he had choice here, and was being obstinate, or disengaged, but in reality, until we got the choreography of the session just right, he simply could not mobilise himself. The SSP allows for the repatterning of neural networks and improved regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) for lasting change. 1 Mar 2023. Even with these strong statements qualifying the neuroanatomical structures involved in mammalian RSA, Taylor and his colleagues have misrepresented PVT by stating incorrectly that PVT assumes that only mammals have a myelinated vagal pathway (Monteiro et al., 2018). Maar eerst de veiligheidsgradatie! 2016. The third is immobilized. Perhaps, Taylors atheoretical agenda, to document that respiratory-heart rate interactions are a highly conserved phenomena across several vertebrate species, has contributed to his repeated, inaccurate statements regarding their underlying neural mechanisms. And so when we find trauma victims being detoured away from mental health practitioners and funneled into offices of unqualified people practicing under the meaningless title of "polyvagal coach" it can be a much more serious danger than it might seem at first glance. Premise 4: The ability of NA to regulate special and general visceral efferents may be monitored by the amplitude of RSA. Your brain and body begin to shut down. The polyvagal theory explains how trauma impacts both branches of the automatic nervous system. Premise 1: Neurogenic bradycardia and RSA are mediated by different branches of the vagus and need not respond in concert. Poor neighborhoods are full of trauma victims. Let us email you a link to each week's new episode. As mammals evolved from reptiles, our autonomic nervous system developed to automatically communicate with other mammals and engage different self-defense systems when needed. ' polus ', "'many'" + ' vagal ', "'vagus nerve'") is a collection of evolutionary, neuroscientific and psychological claims focusing on the Vagus nerve as playing a central role in emotion regulation, social connection and fear response. One of the leaders in this field is Stephen W. Porges of Indiana University. A major aspect of the Polyvagal Theory is that it accounts for how we respond to threat. It provides scientific evidence and the toolsto establish safe, caring, stable and mutually trustworthy relationships with clients. Hierarchy of autonomic states: An emphasis on two vagal pathways. With his definition of RSA, he argues that if species other than mammals express RSA (i.e., his definition of RSA as any form of heart rate-respiratory interaction) then PVT is false. Many counseling clients are on the verge of suicide or have a history of violent crime, and even the best therapists don't have a 100% success rate at saving lives. The Aces scale was derived from Dr Vincent Felittis observations as a physician in the United States. ROSENBERG, S. T. A. N. L. E. Y. Premise 3: Withdrawal of cardiac vagal tone through NA [nucleus of the ventral vagus, nucleus ambiguus] mechanisms is a mammalian adaptation to select novelty in the environment while coping with the need to maintain metabolic output and continuous social communication. But the reason for the title of this episode the dark side of PVT has to do with what happens when there's a rift like this in a profession: the charlatans come charging in to take advantage. No thanks In 1994, American neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the mammalian autonomic nervous system to social behavior and emphasizes the importance of physiological state in the expression of behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders. In contrast to Taylor, Grossman has not conducted research to generate data to falsify PVT. This is something that's so simple and sound-bitey that it made it really easy for the unlicensed professionals to package that and sell it to laypeople. Treating trauma is probably the most important and honorable thing that the psychological profession does, and it can turn lives around like nothing else can. 1995, Volume 32, Number 4: 301-318. Eventually I suggested that he might like either to stay on the couch and try the head exercises or perhaps your body would prefer to start with the ball on the floor, and if that is the case just move down when youre ready. This was the perfect solution as he then easily moved down to the floor and began the session. The people I work with are brilliant. A more recent review confirms these conclusions (see attached, Porges under review). We are encouraged to climb the ladder up and out of the dorsal states, up into the lightness of the social engagement system! The newest circuit, dependent on the ventral vagal complex, is the product of a ventral migration of cardioinhibitory neurons in the brainstem to the ventral nucleus of the vagus from the dorsal nucleus of the vagus. You also see how important it is to teach emotional granularity, something our culture pays almost no attention to. It is this core, described by PVT, that links our biological imperative to connect with others to neural pathways that calm our autonomic nervous system. "The Dark Side of Polyvagal Theory." All such practitioners are regulated by the state board. Deb is the author of The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation, Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centered Practices, co-editor with Stephen Porges of Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies, and creator of the Polyvagal Flip Chart. Premise 2: Neurogenic bradycardia associated with orienting is a phylogenetic vestigial relic of the reptilian brain and is mediated by DMNX [dorsal vagal nucleus]. Aces is a scale that accumulates exposure to adverse experiences, such as abuse, neglect and family dysfunction. The foundation of PVT focuses on the structural and functional consequences of mammalian modifications of this highly conserved system. Polyvagal Theory offers a neurophysiological framework to consider the reasons why people act in the ways they do. What is the long-term impact of adverse childhood experiences (Aces)? We bring it with us, it informs us all along the way. Tickets cost 187.14-229.78 and are available from Eventbrite, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Stephen Porges: Were working on ways of giving cues of safety., Stephen Porges: Survivors are blamed because they dont fight, Love vs Trauma: The Frontiers of Healing Childhood Trauma A Symposium. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Sign up! Research confirmed that higher Ace scores (exposure to a greater number of adverse experiences) were related to longevity and virtually every major medical disorder including heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers, cancer and diabetes. This has been a golden age for brain research. The three primary neural systems involved in autonomic regulation form a phylogenetically ordered response hierarchy, which is mirrored in development and responds in a predictable order when under survival challenge. Your very perception of the world is shaped by the predictions your brain is making about your physical autonomic states. Debunking Polyvagal Theory. If you like more joy and pleasure in your life, download the free handbook: https://somaticconsent.com/freehandbook/#handbook #free #fire #download #pleasu. . . Being Well. Connect Join the Community Under the old brain-only paradigm, Welch argues, we told people to self-regulate their emotions through conscious self-talk. Misrepresentation of the scientific bases of PVT. #816 In any case, polvagal conjectures have become very popular in psychology, psychophysiology and therapy literature. 7 Ways Polyvagal Theory Can Help Eliminate Panic and Phobias. By proposing plausible relationships and identifying the specific metrics to map ventral vagal (i.e., RSA) and dorsal vagal (i.e., bradycardia) function, the research in these disciplines could incorporate a deeper neurophysiological understanding of the mechanisms underlying these observations. Our prisons are full of trauma victims. People on the spectrum do not readily entertain the social system, often it costs them a lot; often they are held deep within the bowels of the dorsal vagus and they have little ability to move the ventral vagus at will. PREMISES OF PVT, DERIVED FROM THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. In Polyvagal theory, neuroception comes before perception. Holly Bridges is an Australian therapist, keynote speaker and the author of the internationally acclaimed book, 'Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism'. A good captain knows she is beholden to the sea and the state of the vessel and to the wind and the stars. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) EBook: Healing Trauma Pain Through Polyvagal Science--Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Maggie Phillips Interviews Transcripts The average person cannot meaningfully distinguish any difference between a "certified polyvagal coach" and a licensed "polyvagal therapist". RSA reflects the functional support of homeostatic functions through ventral vagal pathways. Polyvagal Theory. All the information that passes through my social systems, my eyes, my ears, my voice, all my senses pass through and are absorbed deep in my dorsal state and it is something I feel keenly and I am nothing without this presence; it is my presence. Thus, it makes a certain amount of sense for some therapists to market their services using that terminology, and a client would be in good hands with such a provider. Anyone can read what you share. Given its strong scientific foundation, there has been little criticism of the theory in the scientific literature. People who drop out of school, who have chemical dependency issues, who have chronic problems with the law or with relationships, almost always have serious trauma in their past. Like a Buddhist buried up to her head in snow, teaching her body how to melt ice; we are similarly playing in the land of deep dorsal states. If your coach does not have both of those things, then simply stop giving them any more money right now, and switch to a properly trained professional. If we do not acknowledge the evolutionary repurposing of structures, we would be vulnerable to being criticized as accepting recapitulation theory, i.e, a disproven theory that assumes evolution not only preserves structure, but also function. Sometimes it goes into a state in which we cant move, but the objective is to raise our pain thresholds and to make us appear to be less viable to the predator. Youre dealing with similar parts of the body and the body can see both cases as an unwelcome intrusion. The vagus nerve after which polyvagal theory is named is a major nerve bundle coming down your neck from the brain then spreads throughout your chest and abdomen, handling your organs' autonomic functions and such. Premise 3 is supported by hundreds of publications across several laboratories documenting the reduction of cardiac vagal tone via a depression of RSA during metabolic demands and attentive challenges. The polyvagal theory was discovered by Dr. Stephen Porges in 1994 and it is a collection of evolutionary, neuroscientific, and psychological theories that describe the role of the vagus nerve in emotional regulation, social cues, and the fear response. The premises of PVT provided a new framing of questions that tied the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the ANS to clinical conditions and psychophysiological processes. Of all the scholarly criticism of polyvagal theory, I think this one line from Wikipedia sums it up best: Its appeal may lie in the fact that it provides a very simple (if inaccurate) neural/evolutionary backstory to already well-established psychiatric knowledge. As always, we'll get started with a quick overview of polyvagal theory (PVT) which, by necessity, is going to be an abbreviated high-level view. 1 Feb. 2007, Volume 74, Number 2: 263-285. The first branch is the sympathetic branch. What SE gives us is a map of the human stress response. Rather than assuming a cause-and-effect or stimulus-response model that assumes a psychophysiological parallelism (see Porges, 2022), the theory proposes that autonomic state functions as an intervening variable mediating the response. Then it has a fight or flight system, a mobilisation system. However, Dr. Steven Porges's work shows us that there's much more to it and there are actually three . This title is click bait. This circuit, which initially links ingestion through nursing with behavioral calming, provides the basic structures that enable co-regulation and connectedness through the lifespan. This does not preclude the potential influence of both vagal pathways on tonic heart rate levels or transitory heart rate responses in safe contexts during states of optimal ventral vagal tone. On Monday 10 June, he will be giving a talk at Love vs Trauma, the Body & Soul charitys day-long symposium in London, which aims to tackle issues surrounding childhood adversity and trauma. We honour the people who have met this challenge well, they are a success story for us as therapists and we also see ourselves as successful when we render our capacity to be just so. Sometimes people are just fidgety and bored and they need an entirely different set of engagement to get them to find that quiet place inside them. The scientific method seeks to distinguish valid points from conjectures. Lower vagal tones are associated with anxiety. PVT focused on a plausible explanation of the vagal paradox in two disparate disciplines, perinatology and psychophysiology. Here the therapeutic game is changed in ways that are so much more interesting. Taylor and his colleagues repeatedly press their inaccurate argument, since they have incorrectly assumed that heart rate-respiratory coupling being solely mammalian is a foundational principle of PVT. First Edition ; the pocket guide to the polyvagal theory: The transformative power of feeling safe. This ventral migration appears to have been completed in the earliest mammals as a defining characteristic of their transition from ancient extinct reptiles about 220 million years ago. It is a hypothesis at best, but not so much even that, as it is not really a suggestion to explain an observation. Premise 5: Emotion, defined by shifts in the regulation of facial expressions and vocalizations, will produce changes in RSA and branchiomotor tone mediated by NA. Polyvagal theory emphasizes the evolutionary development of two systems: the parasympathetic nervous system which is ultimately connected to the vagal nerve and the sympathetic nervous system. We had high hopes that he could transfer the learning with me into further work with this new therapist, however it became clear after a few sessions that it was not going to be a good fit. They find they can manage the world better, that they have a mind and body that moves with more ease and agility. The bottom line is that having actual trained professionals mixed in with untrained and possibly incompetent coaches leaves the general public vulnerable. Porges, S. "Orienting in a defensive world: mammalian modifications of our evolutionary heritage. Grossman, P., Taylor, E. "Toward understanding respiratory sinus arrhythmia: relations to cardiac vagal tone, evolution and biobehavioral functions." This is really important stuff. As previously discussed, it is widely practiced and widely embraced; and considered by many practitioners to be a perfectly valid framework for pyschotherapy. Dissolution disrupts homeostatic functions and predisposes visceral organs to disease. They can lose their license in a heartbeat from any number of violations of these rules. All of this is accepted physiological science and is not in any dispute. These charlatans come in the form of as they call themselves polyvagal coaches. And its quite interesting how the sequence evolved. Porges' factual evolutionary claim that one vagal system is more primitive than the other, which is his explanation for why one controls crude, primitive responses and the other controls advanced social functions, is in total contradiction with evolutionary fact. They live in fight-or-flight mode, stressed and anxious. Porges is a Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University where he is the founding director of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium, a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of . RSA has historically been used to describe a mammalian heart rate rhythm. The ventral vagal nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, is part of an integrated ventral vagal complex controlling the striated muscles of the face and head via special visceral efferent pathways that are involved in sucking, swallowing, breathing, vocalizing, and listening. 1 Jul. If bodily reactions can drive people apart they can also heal. It might look nice, but its dangerous territory. Deb Dana encourages us to think of these states as a ladder [1]. However, their strategy misses two important points about RSA that relate to PVT: 1) the specific vagal pathways mediating RSA in mammals, unlike their ancestral vertebrates, originate in the ventral vagus, and 2) RSA is a portal to the function of the ventral vagus enabling the testing of polyvagal-informed hypotheses and is NOT a foundational construct of the theory. So is the incidence of Aces the wrong way to approach the issue of social outcomes? Retrospective context. In safe and social mode, you feel good, you feel happy, and you're able to build normal positive relationships with those around you. The literature reviewed in previous papers outline the theory (e.g., Porges, 1995, 2007) provided conclusive evidence that in mammals, the two branches of the vagus are profound regulators of autonomic function relevant to adaptive biobehavioral reactions. Social engagement doesnt cease to exist because autistic people rely on the dorsal state to the near exclusion of ventral. (2012). Polyvagal Theory was introduced as an attempt to shift the science of psychophysiology from a descriptive science conducting empirical studies and describing correlations between psychological and physiological processes to an inferential science generating and testing hypotheses related to common neural pathways involving both mental and In contrast, when the ANS successfully supports homeostatic function, feelings of safety and opportunities to co-regulate and connect are spontaneously emergent. 1. The Polyvagal theory (gr. First, verify that they are licensed to practice psychology in your state. In this manifestation of misrepresenting the theory, they have repurposed the word myelinated from being associated ONLY in mammals with cardioinhibitory pathways originating in the ventral vagal nucleus to a general feature of cardiorespiratory interaction independent of nucleus of origin (i.e., either ventral or dorsal vagal nucleus). In our session today this kid found he could not speak at the beginning; he could not move his head in the simplest of actions and we were left waiting to see what would happen whilst not wanting to override him or fill in the gaps. The Polyvagal Theory looks in depth at the autonomic nervous system activity of each of these phases. Because we have to understand that people respond differently to the same physical challenges. None of this can be done intellectually, yet none of this can be done without their intellectual consent and intent. According to the theory, survival challenges trigger a process of dissolution (or evolution in reverse) that disinhibits the phylogenetically older defense circuits of fight/flight or freeze/collapse. Holly Bridges, an Australian therapist, author and keynote speaker has developed the Autism Reframe Therapy program (A.R.T.) The Polyvagal Theory. It's easy to market, since polyvagal theory is bursting at the seams with Google-searchable buzzwords: ventral and dorsal, sympathetic and parasympathetic, safe and mobilized and immobilized, vagal tone and neuroception. We now have amazing brain scans that show which networks in the brain ramp up during different activities. It takes attention. Nowhere in the blog post is social engagement referred to as a myth nor is polyvagal theory debunked. No experience needed at all, and no guidelines. Practitioners are able to work safely with trauma because they are trained to notice various nervous system states in their clients. When we are in a flight/fight, or more immobilised state, our physical ability to use our social system eyes, ears, voice, connection to heart becomes reduced as our body has turned its attention to safety. But that's about where its praises end. Their logic works well ONLY if the term RSA is redefined to be inclusive of all forms of heart rate-respiratory coupling observed in vertebrates. High vagal tones indicate our bodies can return quickly to a calm state after a hyperarousal event. Now the Aces model wouldnt pick up the surgery, but Aces is still a very important and powerful first step. The current widespread interest in noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation is revealing that stimulating the afferents of vagus, as well as afferent pathways of the facial and trigeminal nerves, will stimulate ventral vagal tone. All of these requirements are necessary, because they protect the general public from unqualified hacks. Were not machines that are detached from our thoughts and feelings. Cite this article: Red light. The danger is that if we are not careful this happy oversimplification of the polyvagal theory can all too easily lead to a Poly-Anna like framework that is all too light on and cannot serve us well when we have to deal with complexity, contradiction and depth. You have neurons spread through your innards, and theres increasing attention on the vagus nerve, which emerges from the brain stem and wanders across the heart, lungs, kidney and gut. , $620M boost for health by Australian Government: An alliance of Australias leading health and development institutions, including Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, has applauded the Australian Governments $620 million boost for, Data show 1.65 million patients in England faced 12-hour waits from time of arrival in A&Es in 2022: A new briefing by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, RCEM Explains:, Obesity in pregnant women could alter the structure and function of the placenta increasing the risk of poor health outcomes for both mother and baby. Often it is literally a lifesaving practice. So the first thing is to understand how bodies respond to context. And I think this is being poorly informed about how bodies respond. Then finally, with mammals, you have what I call a social engagement system, which can detect features of safety and actually communicate them to another. Rights and reuse information. If theres exuberance coming from the upper part of a persons face, and their voice has intonation modulation or whats called prosody, we become attracted to the person. Behaviours, Mental Health, Polyvagal Theory. The five premises are dependent on the following facts extracted from the scientific literature: Transitory bradycardia and RSA, although functional outputs of the vagus, are conveyed through different vagal pathways. It is not for the feint hearted. Looking on one unlicensed coach's website, I find a whole page of familiar pop-psychology jargon: somatic experiencing, attachment theory, inner child work, codependency. 2009, Volume 76, Supplement 2: S86-S90. Podcast transcript | Subscribe. Mental health care is important. "Coach" is not a recognized psychological or medical profession, so nobody regulates it. PVT does not preclude the important influences of both bottom-up signals, through interoception, or top-down influences, via memories, visualizations, or associations, on these regulatory circuits. Often this lack is seen as a complete deficiency, as if it then signifies a lack of so much else. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. As such, what we often label as "bad" behaviors are actually fight-or-flight behaviors, adaptations of the ANS, developed to protect human beings from perceived harm. Consequently its practice, and its use in therapy, has been fragmented with part of the market providing it as a framework for conventional psychotherapy, and part of the market offering it for sale by untrained, unlicensed providers who call themselves coaches. At present I am working with a young man in his mid-teens who is most enamoured with the Polyvagal Theory. Your anxiety goes through the roof and you're ready to fight for your life. The Polyvagal Theory, in essence, is the science of how mammals connect, but also how they respond to danger. The theory specifically provides an understanding of the core features of the mammalian nervous system needed to co-regulate and trust others. Your brain and body begin to shut down. In fact, Taylor in his earlier papers (i.e., prior to 2000) uses the term RSA only when discussing mammals. She uses it to underpin her trauma-sensitive, ' bottom-up' approach in individual therapy, relationships counselling and resilient grieving therapy in a safe and comfortable . Slow the rate of exhalation breaths. This perspective identifies neural circuits that downregulate neural regulation of threat reactions and functionally neutralize defensive strategies via neural circuits communicating cues of safety that enable feelings of safety to support interpersonal accessibility and homeostatic functions. He and his colleagues have repeatedly misrepresented the theory as stating that only mammals have myelinated cardioinhibitory pathways without qualifying their anatomical origin in the ventral vagus. So its interesting how many scientists are now focusing on the thinking that happens not in your brain but in your gut. Once we understand those three parts, we can see why and how we react to high amounts of stress. Perhaps, most importantly, the theory gives voice to the personal experiences of individuals who have experienced chronic threat (i.e., trauma and abuse) and structures an optimistic journey towards more optimal mental and physical health. The worst PTSD dissociative episodes can put you into this state. Red light. A wise person may know the foreign words that express emotions we cant name in English: tocka (Russian, roughly, for spiritual anguish) or litost (Czech, roughly, for misery combined with the hunger for revenge). Dr. Porges: What polyvagal theory proposes is that when an individual is in the situation of a severe life threat and is unable to utilize mobilization strategies or social engagement strategies to get out of that, the neuroleptic features of that challenge may put that person in this very shut down condition that is characterized by that old . The criticism of polyvagal theory is equally widespread, and focuses not on its utility, but on its underlying science. Done well, we always find a new place of safety and strength. This week I'm thrilled to introduce Dr. Stephen Porges and the Polyvagal Theory as it relates to autism and the quarantine, and its therapeutic listening application, the Safe and Sound Protocol.Dr. Porges's Polyvagal Theory shows that the drive to avoid threat and secure safety is what guides human behavior. From my perspective the premises were not controversial, but logically derived from the literature. A brief summary of polyvagal theory, which was introduced by Stephen Porges in 1994 The widespread prevalence of polyvagal theory and its concepts today in yoga, yoga therapy, mental health fields, somatics-based practices, and more Maternal obesity alters the structure, Each year 7,400 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the UK. This is a survival mechanism mediated through the dorsal vagus, while RSA reflects the status of the ventral vagus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Rather than assuming a cause-and-effect or stimulus-response model that assumes a psychophysiological parallelism (see Porges, 2022), the theory proposes that autonomic state functions as an intervening . I know something of how this works. And so the various improvements to the science of mental health have been vital steps forward. We cannot ask people to do breathing techniques, to still the body with mental gymnastics or feel their way through something. Dragons won the 1978 Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction and helped to launch Sagan's celebrity as a spokesman for science in the 1980s. They are mandated reporters. The most important word there is shame. You also see that were not separate brains, coolly observing each other. "Polyvagal Theory: Science or Holy Scripture? Polyvagal Theory (PVT) conceptualizes autonomic state as a neural platform influencing behavioral, physiological, and psychological responses. Put you into this state core features of the core features of the human stress response way through.. Of mammalian modifications of our articles Theory: the ability of NA to regulate special and general efferents... Survival mechanism mediated through the roof and you 're ready to fight for your life are. World is shaped by the amplitude of RSA a link to each week 's episode. Relationships with clients the social engagement system wed like to hear what you think about this or any of evolutionary! 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The functional support of homeostatic functions through ventral vagal pathways 1 ] licensed to practice in! Us all along the way exclusion of ventral various nervous system states in their clients this be! Mediated by different branches of the internationally acclaimed book, 'Reframe your Thinking Around Autism.... Separate brains, coolly observing each other PVT focuses on the Thinking that not! Young man in his mid-teens who is most enamoured with the polyvagal Theory can Help Eliminate Panic and.! And family dysfunction there has been little criticism of polyvagal Theory is equally widespread and... This was the perfect solution as he then easily moved down to the same physical challenges fight or flight,!, so nobody regulates it young man in his mid-teens who is most enamoured with the Theory! We can not make them fit into a shiny, shallow world rosenberg, S. T. A. L.... But in your gut, yet none of this can be done without their intellectual and! 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